How Often Should You Dilate? Let Your Body Tell You

It's been some time since SRS and you don't dilate daily. What's a good routine?

Posted by Postop (SRS) Care 101 on August 30, 2016

##It’s been a year and more out for me since SRS (and perhaps you, too)

The swelling has long gone down, the pain a vague memory. Life is good. No more genital dysphoria (mostly)

I no longer have to (although I ought to) dilate on a daily basis.

How often then should I dilate? Or, how often then should you dilate?

Let your body tell you. If you’re losing depth and/or width, that’s a sign that your vag isn’t getting enough maintenance so get on it. A sign of losing depth of width is struggling to get the dilators you could previously accommodate, to the depth you could, given a particular width. Or even simply struggling to get the dilator to enter (of course having already used enough lube!!! wince)

Increase the frequency of dilation until you don’t lose depth of width. For myself I did end up dilating less frequently than every other day , which alarmingly made me lose width and depth. That was scary. I restarted my dilation daily and slowly took it to alternate days, although some weeks, I do end up playing it safe and not skipping any days at all.

I hope you’re able to find your own balance between having a life and dilating! Happy dilating!